So here is my problem
I have time warner cable in my room with only internet service. So i figured I could split the line and run one line to my modem for internet and the other to my tv to get basic free cable.
Here is my problem
My coax connection on my tv doesn't work So i figured I would use my old vcr and run the cable line into the vcr and then run the line out through an rca line.
So i split the line, because my cable wasn't long enough i just used two splitters and two 25ft cables. i ran the coax in to my vcr and the rca out to the tv, in theory i figured once i switched to the vcr input on my tv i would be able to change the channels on my vcr and pick up cable, but it isn't working,
am i doing something wrong?
Since im using my vcr as a tuner it doesn't matter if my tv's coax is broken right?
also is it the fact that im doing a/v out using rca?
So here is my problem
I have time warner cable in my room with only internet service. So i figured I could split the line and run one line to my modem for internet and the other to my tv to get basic free cable.
Here is my problem
My coax connection on my tv doesn't work So i figured I would use my old vcr and run the cable line into the vcr and then run the line out through an rca line.
So i split the line, because my cable wasn't long enough i just used two splitters and two 25ft cables. i ran the coax in to my vcr and the rca out to the tv, in theory i figured once i switched to the vcr input on my tv i would be able to change the channels on my vcr and pick up cable, but it isn't working,
am i doing something wrong?
Since im using my vcr as a tuner it doesn't matter if my tv's coax is broken right?
also is it the fact that im doing a/v out using rca?