Unsure to Buy A sharp 32 inch LC-32LB261U


Apr 9, 2013
I like To replace My 26 in. vizio VL260m 1080p tv. Unsure to Buy Tv for $219 bucks may be to cheaply made. I prefer budget brands but high quality products any 32 to 40 inch hdtv suggestions. reply soon :)
I just bought this and have only been watching for about 10 minutes and so far i am loving this sharp. it's on sale at best buy for $199. I bought a 24 inch vizio last week and then saw they put this on sale for $20 more than the vizio was so i exchanged it and it looks so much better, the picture is great and bright. a 32 inch 1080p sharp for $199 is a great deal

Im currently looking at one of these my local best buy has a open box one for $170 I was going to buy on the spot but I cant find any input lag times online.... I want to use this as my main computer display... have you PC gamed on yours? How does it look blurry?
Bought this at BestBuy before XMas for $199 and have connected to to my computer to use it as an awesome monitor. It has worked great. I recommend this HDTV. I purchased a male DVI to female HDMI adapter, and then used a male HDMI to male HDMI cable to connect my computer to this HDTV and it works great. The fact that this HDTV is full 1080P gives a great image. At this time, I think this is one of the best HDTV (1080p) at this price around. It was a bargain then, and even at bit higher price it is still a bargain. For someone in the market for a 32" HDTV I would recommend.
I just bought this TV today and it looks great! One thing I have to note though is that you must play games and do work at a distance! the light from the screen can be a bit tasking on the eyes, but that comes with the territory. The image quality is superb, even at 1080p, watching 4k videos on YouTube is really quite amazing! If anything it makes the 1080p videos pale in comparison, that may be some downscaling tech from the TV itself or from the GPU [AMD Radeon 7790 OC to 1200mhz].

Another thing my wife literally just noticed is that it does seem a bit dark at about a 35-30 degree angle, but again, this is not a home theatre screen so you can't expect great viewing angles. At the price it is marked, mine today was 219.99 at best buy, it is a good deal, and I have looked online to find similar deals and they are either the same price for a similar quality unit or higher price for higher quality. Just FYI this display replaced my 6 year old Dynex 27" @ 720p Monitor (which cost a hilarious $400+ when I bought it). Skyrim looks amazing, BF: Bad Company 2, GTA 4, and several others looks great too, definitely a smart buy!