Upgrade Ram now won't boot

if the ram is ddr3L it won't work...the L is for low power usage...also, some computer will not work if they are limited on how much ram you can install....remove the ram stick and re-insert making sure it's installed correctly. hope this helps.
It appears the Dell shipped with DDR3-1066 and you put in DDR3-1333. I don't recall ever being able to purchase the speed of RAM that it came with on any site, but it is quite strange that the BIOS will detect it but not boot. What are the speeds the laptop is setting the RAM to?

Try putting the old RAM back in to make sure the rest of the components are functioning properly.

If it doesn't, something may have happened when you installed the new RAM.

If it does, there might be either an issue with the RAM itself (use a memory test such as Memtest86, put it on a disc and boot your computer with it to test it),

or the laptop just doesn't like the RAM. Dell had been notorious for having proprietary parts, and upgrading was/is difficult whereas you can only upgrade through them.

The computer runs with the old ram replaced, will try Memtest 86.
if the ram is incorrectly placed by just a little amount, it can cause problems and even shortcuircuts. memory speeds doesn't affect anything negatively except for wasted cash if it doesn't support the speed since it will then throttle it down to a speed that it can use.