Upgrading home theater


Jul 19, 2012
Obtaining: Sony STRDH830 Sony 3D 7.1 Channel A/V Receivers()

Currently have:
Samsung 5.1 Speaker in a box set. I don't use the 2 rear "wireless" speakers. I plan on doing everything wired at some point once I upgrade the speakers. The center speaker stopped working due to panel in the back of the dvd player. This device I can plug up my speakers directly to it and by pass the dvd player. Done.

I plan on upgrading as I go. Luckily as a wedding gift I am getting the Sony 7.1 receiver. Hopefully someone will get us the upgraded Blu-Ray player too.

I've upgraded the wiring already as well. Much better sound quality.

My question is my subwoofer is not self powered. It has 2 sets of 2 wires that currently plug into my dvd player and subwoofer. I know speakers in a box damper upgradability but is there something I can do with my reciever to convert those wires into the correct plug? Or will I be at a loss in September and have to pay for a seperate subwoofer (preout) self amped?

Just wanted to not have to spend the money yet if I could make do for a while to recoup the wedding costs with some bass. :)
You don't really want to mess with HTIB wiring. Those speakers/subs are set up exactly for the system they came with. Messing with the nominal impedence of a speaker/amp is a very bad thing. You can easily damage the speaker, or even worse, your amp. Before you connect those speakers to your amp, make sure the ohm loads are correct. You should be able to find that information in the manual of your HTIB. That receiver is 8ohm nominal. If they are not, you'll need to replace the whole set. In that case, you can find some decent small 5.1 systems by infninty, definitive, klipsch, energy for under 500 bucks.