Upscaling Quality On New Samsung HDTV


Nov 13, 2016
I have a TiVo DVR through my local cable company but the quality between it and my chromecast is quite noticeable to me. I'm not surprised because they're using an off brand that doesn't upscale as well I'm sure. However, the tv itself doesn't upscale as well as chromecast either... is there any way around recording tv shows and movies in the quality my chromecast shows on the tv aside from buying a costly TiVo? The tv is capable of displaying image quality I am satisfied with through chromecast.. but only through that. Is there anything else I can attach to the TV or DVR itself to increase picture quality like chromecast is doing?
What is your source. Cable to TIVO is bad as most cable company compress their signal to give you that 200+ channels. Streaming from web can give you a better quality source to work with. I use OTA to Tivo and the playback is as good as what I get on non-4K stream from Netflix/Amazon.

Ah, I did not know that... I wonder if there are any good cheaper alternatives to TiVo? I need one with 6 tuners and those are pretty pricey through TiVo.. I'm glad I know this now though so I would like to switch to OTA, it just requires an antenna right?

Do you know of any OTA DVR's with 6 tuners? If the cable company compresses the signal it will be the same quality I have now even if I bought my own TiVo.

Hmm, I think I might consider PlayOn.. I can use chromecast for that and they have it to where you can use your laptop as the DVR. Lmao I probably could be. My DVR's are always like 80-90% full. So I record a ton and then watch a wide variety very slowly over time.

That's definitely what I'm hoping for! They seem to all be available! I hope that isn't compressed as well though? It's streaming sites though so I doubt it. Now I just feel bad about not trying the UHD... the prices were pretty good for Black Friday and I've read that they go back down in February/March to prepare for the new models releasing but I wonder if they go down as much... I truly just thought the 1080p would be the same if lucky but most likely worse.. from what I read.