Solved! USB port smoke

Feb 5, 2019
So i'm using a Lenovo Legion Y520 for gaming and i have an attached cooler below it to increase the cooling since i use it for intensive gaming.
Yesterday i had an error (Power surge on the USB port) causing my USB ports not working and i had to uninstall/install the drivers, but for some reason it doesn't take more than my mouse now, if i tried to attach the cooler, in 1 minute i will get the same error.
Just an hour ago i decided to attach them both and hoped they would work together again (mouse and cooler) and they did for a while then i noticed smoke coming out of the cooler USB socket just in time with the error message.
Can someone explain to me why this is happening and how to fix it?
I have been using them together for almost a year and never had such problem.
Windows 10
Intel Core i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.8GHz
VGA Nvidia GTX 1050 2GB
Smoke out of usb socket and dis-functioning usb sockets are no good news.
Send it back to fix it if it is still on the guarantee.
Even if your cooler was defective it's not acceptable for usb to get burned unless you plug the mains into it.
And although the cooler has a fan and the fan can generate voltage...and burn your still should had protection against it.
IMO you can game 24/7 as long as it is on the guarantee.


Make and model of the laptop cooler? FYI, that laptop is not intended for intensive gaming sessions more like light/reduced gaming sessions at high deatils or long sessions with reduced details in-game.

You may also want to inspect the USB port in case that so-called cooler has damaged the port. If you see burn marks and later see nothing works off that USB port, you know who killed it.
Feb 5, 2019

The Cooler is made in China by Deepcool.
I understand what you said but is it possible that the cooler suddenly requires more voltage to work, more than the laptop can give? that's why it gets disconnected?

Jan 3, 2019
Smoke out of usb socket and dis-functioning usb sockets are no good news.
Send it back to fix it if it is still on the guarantee.
Even if your cooler was defective it's not acceptable for usb to get burned unless you plug the mains into it.
And although the cooler has a fan and the fan can generate voltage...and burn your still should had protection against it.
IMO you can game 24/7 as long as it is on the guarantee.