Viewing movies on TV though hard drive


Dec 19, 2016
I have an older plasma TV that does have a USB port (not HDD).
I would like to store videos and photos on an external hard drive and then play them through the TV.

Do I need to format the drive in a particular manner?
Can I load them to the drive from my Mac?
hard to know with the lack of info you have given. but it depends on what ports your TV has. if it does have a USB port then you may have the option to connect an external HDD or USB drive to it depending on what kind of video and picture formats it supports. if it does not have any media features or even a USB port then the only way would be to connect your computer to your TV via a HDMI or VGA port and do everything like that from it

It's a Panasonic but I am not sure of the model right now. I don't have the hard drive yet so I can get one with an hdmi if that is easier
yeah really need information on your TV sometime those "USB" ports are actually service ports and can't be used with a normal usb drive. List your TV information and we maybe to see if you have smart TV if not your not going to be able to play movies off of a USD drive. You may need to go with a Media hub via HDMI and use that to play the movies.

Ok. Sorry it's actually a pioneer pdp-4280hd

that does sound like a pretty old TV but from pioneers website it seems to have a USB port. here is a link to the product page where you can download the manual

ok it looks like you can only view pictures on your TV so if you have usb drive with formatted with Fat you can look at jpeg pictures ( page 70 on the manual). You will need to look into get Roku type device.


Manuals says: USB port for Flash drive to display pictures, wants FAT, FAT16, FAT32, vFAT formatting.

I suggest before you get all excited, load up a flash drive formatted as above with a one of each mp4, avi, wvm, mpg, mov, mkv see how the TV responds.

If you don't already know, USB port in a TV is not quite the same USB port in a PC. USB ports in a TV is limited function interface.

So the USB only supports photos. Could you suggest another way to view videos stored on an external drive
Look up Roku, Amazon Fire stick, or even a Android media box running Kodi or if you have a tablet or old phone with HMDI out (may need a mini/micro to hdmi cable) and you can use that.