Visual Studio 2015 not going well for me


Jul 14, 2015
So I am interested in learning how to use visual studio for universal app making in windows, and it is not going well.

So my past experience in programming is with Lua and HTML, very basic, I have watched many videos about php and java, but I don't have the experience to relate them to development tools.

Every video I find on visual studio the person usually has more tools then me, like on video showed someone with a "Basic Page" when I only have a Blank Page and a unit test app.

I try experimenting by typing in sample code into my Main Page source like stuff starting with <StackPanel> Sample <StackPanel/> Now these UI changes do show up on the screen showing me how the blank page looks but when I run the app its either an error or I see nothing, like just white or black.

I learned Lua by looking at sample code, and when I try to do New Project and open some sample code online, it tells me I need to install some tool, and when I do it says error and wont let me open or start a new project. Then I uninstall and reinstall visual studio and its like error can't open new project.

I have looked at a lot of videos but none of them work for me, does anyone know of a video or online resource that can show how to learn either java or c# with visual studio universal apps?

The thing is that HTML (SGML in general) can't even remotely be compared to more robust programming languages like C, C++, Objective-C, C#, and Java. Understanding Lua, however, can help you develop some background in the other languages listed above. You need to first comprehend the basics in order to dive into multiple different languages. That said, the core of a Visual Studio Universal App is developed with C# and C++, whilst the "shiny" aspect of it draws (partially) from XAML (which is similar to XML, but the compatibility layer is one-way).

Java and C# are completely different languages, although they do share some similarities. If you want to learn Java, learn Java. If you want to learn C#, learn C#. It really doesn't get any...
The thing is that HTML (SGML in general) can't even remotely be compared to more robust programming languages like C, C++, Objective-C, C#, and Java. Understanding Lua, however, can help you develop some background in the other languages listed above. You need to first comprehend the basics in order to dive into multiple different languages. That said, the core of a Visual Studio Universal App is developed with C# and C++, whilst the "shiny" aspect of it draws (partially) from XAML (which is similar to XML, but the compatibility layer is one-way).

Java and C# are completely different languages, although they do share some similarities. If you want to learn Java, learn Java. If you want to learn C#, learn C#. It really doesn't get any simpler than that. There are, however, some technologies, like, Phonegap which allow you to build once for multiple platforms, but the footprint overhead is somewhat gnarly.