Way to get data from c;drive of a Toshiba notebook


Apr 18, 2012
Hello, On my Toshiba x205-s9359, the main board died. I had already pulled all from my d:drive and stored it on an external drive with a usb 2.0 connector and an e-SATA port. I have not bought a SATA to e-SATA cable, but I plan to soon. I'm building a pc gaming system which has many SATA2&3 connectors. I'll be using that ext hd for backups, but it will be over 1-3 months until I can piece together all the components. I'm having back surgery and can't lift more than 8 ozs for 1-3 months. But I do have a couple days to get that info off my Toshiba c:drive and on the ext hd or a new notebook I just got. Samsung 7 series, which I'm very impressed with so far. That Toshiba c drive is a serial Ata 160 gb, and it is the Vista o.s. drive along with a bunch of files, bookmarks,videos, music etc which I'd like to keep. I don't need the OS, since my new computers are or will be win 7 pro. My Toshiba has power, but no video. Is there a way I can run a cable from the serial ata while its installed still(for power) and get the data from that drive to my ext hd or notebook? I was also wondering _"What if I ran a usb cable from my new notebook to a usb on the Toshiba? Could I extract the data? Or is there a simpler way which I haven't thought of? My last thought was pulling the 2nd hd out of my new NB if the size matches, popping in the Toshiba drive, copy what I want to the new NB, and then POP the new hd back in the new NB. I'd rather not do that if there's a chance it might screw up my system.
Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.
Does it power up but just no video? If so would it be possible to just plug a cable from the VGA to a monitor then use a flash drive to get the files you need?

If the NB is dead you can buy an adapter for a fairly cheap price that will allow you to take the drive out and plug it into you computer by way of USB. I have one I have on that has sata, IDE and laptop IDE. Comes with power supply to power the hard drive. Has saved me and colleges several times. Good to have around.
Does it power up but just no video? If so would it be possible to just plug a cable from the VGA to a monitor then use a flash drive to get the files you need?

If the NB is dead you can buy an adapter for a fairly cheap price that will allow you to take the drive out and plug it into you computer by way of USB. I have one I have on that has sata, IDE and laptop IDE. Comes with power supply to power the hard drive. Has saved me and colleges several times. Good to have around.
Thanks for the great ideas. I tried the vga to both a hdtv and to the new notebook, but nothing on the screen. Same for the toshiba itself. I should have known that if getting zero on the Toshiba screen, like when it's starting up and you get the chance to enter the bios, etc, then I shouldn't expect anything on an external screen, but it didn't hurt to try. I found a device like you mentioned on Newegg.


It's the 1st one I looked at, so I don't know if I'll pick that one, but I will get one for sure. I have the Toshiba drive, an 80 gig drive from my pc, and an older external drive, so it will be great to get data out of at least 2 of those. Thanks again, Ed

I have one similar to this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812119152. Just plug it in and windows recognizes it without the need for drivers.
Your welcome