WD external Hard Disk not detecting in Asus X54C


Nov 18, 2016
I have purchased (2TB) WD Passport-Ultra-Portable-External from amazon.in(http://www.amazon.in/WD-Passport-Ultra-Portable-External/dp/B00Y0R94PQ?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00). My laptop not dtectecting this hard disk(but this hard disk working properly in my friends lenevo G580 Model Laptop). I have tried to install drivers for this device via windows search online, but windows could not found any relevant drivers, i am using Asus Laptop X54C Model and windows 8.1 x64 have installed. What should i do, suggest me? Thanks for help.

Myy Asus Laptop Configuration is available on this link => http://pastebin.com/H7XTSYYM


Nov 18, 2016

I have already checked on my laptop in different O.S.( windows 7 , windows 8, and windows 8.1).
When i plugged in the 2TB WD hard drive, and try to shut down the system or restart the system, it unable to shut down or restart with different OS in my laptop, but after unplugging the hard drive, system is continue for respective operation(shut down or restart). In my friend laptop (lenevo x64 windows 8.1) is working fine
There is a lot listed here for that drive. https://support.wdc.com/downloads.aspx?lang=en Perhaps your answer is there, something you haven't yet installed? Just choose "My Passport Ultra (WD Backup)" from the "Product" drop down menu (in upper middle of the page) and then click the "Submit" button.

Also, if you are trying to make that the main drive for your system, and not use the installed drive as your operational OS, did you make a change in BIOS to for this?