Solved! What is this crack in the CPU


Apr 17, 2013
I have an asus rog gl552v. I7 6700hq 8gb ram, 960m 2gb.

I was playing csgo and my temps would be around 90 degrees with jumps up to even 98 as highest

I decided to change the thermal paste, after opening up the laptop to the bare bone I found a crack beside the cpu and got worried.

I still cleaned off the old thermal paste and applied some mx4 and now its all cool. Csgo running at 70c and idling 35-40 instead if 50 lol.

Is that crack something to worry about?


Yes, but it's not something you can fix.
If it's working, use it until it dies.
hehe it could also be that it outlasts other parts.. you just never know.. the main par was not cracked (the part in the middle) so you are at least lucky on that part.. like the other person said it may work for 5 minutes to 3 years.. it may last a lot longer.. you just don't know.. but I have never seen that kind of damage before as it should be under the cooler.. so its weird its broken. the person you got it from probably sold it to you because they broke it and it was still working so they could get a new one that didn't have a busted chip. I would just be sure to realize that you may have to replace it sooner then later.. or years from now.. being you really don't know.
I actually bought it half the price its worth and the guy i bought it from had it second hand and he said he didnt need such a powerful laptop. And he definitely didnt know. So we both fell into someones trap lol.

Well considering its been running for 2 years now in my ownership and could be 3-4 years old in total it may keep running really. Maybe its not si bad after all lol
Well I think I just did the worst thing by opening everything up and changing the thermal paste which couldve screwed it up but it turned out even better as it now works with lower temps haha.

I was looking on ebay and the motherboard with that cpu and gpu costs aroubd 350-400euro. I paid 530 for the whole laptop 2 years ago.

So if it did break i could get it replaced... still good specs for now a days.
My girlfriend actually uses daily for browsing and playing sims 3, and sims was pushing it quite hard and its sometimes on for atleast 6 hours or so, so it has held up really well with that defect.

Hopefully it will keep running for another few years then. Wish I never found out about it because now theres a bit of worry.