Here are some light-weight apps that I recommend:
Games: Clash Of Clans, Bombsquad, Mini Militia, Beach Buggy Racing, Geometry Dash
Photo editoricsArt, B612
Music: Musixmatch
Dictionary: Erudite Dictionary and Thesaurus
Browser: UC, Chrome
Video: FX Guru, Tube mate, VLC media player
Automation: Macro droid, Tasker
Education: MalMath
Root: WPS WPA tester, lucky patcher, SCR PRO, Gt Recovery
Others : Monect PC remote receiver, Night Screen
Believe me, these apps will Change your Android experience..... I have all of them and they have made my phone smarter and different from other's
Games: Clash Of Clans, Bombsquad, Mini Militia, Beach Buggy Racing, Geometry Dash
Photo editoricsArt, B612
Music: Musixmatch
Dictionary: Erudite Dictionary and Thesaurus
Browser: UC, Chrome
Video: FX Guru, Tube mate, VLC media player
Automation: Macro droid, Tasker
Education: MalMath
Root: WPS WPA tester, lucky patcher, SCR PRO, Gt Recovery
Others : Monect PC remote receiver, Night Screen
Believe me, these apps will Change your Android experience..... I have all of them and they have made my phone smarter and different from other's