Hey guys, i am looking for laptops do some video editing on ( using Sony Vegas and After Affects) and also some graphic design (Photoshop) and i will also be using 3D design programs like Cineama 4D. My max price is $1500 (AUD). I have put 3 laptops i have been looking at down below. They all have i7 proccesoors and 8 Gigs of Ram.
Hp envy 15- http/www.dicksmith.com.au/laptops-notebooks/4th-generation-intel-para-copy-core-fnof-iquest-frac12-i7-4700mq-processor-1tb-5400rpm-hard-dsau-xc9009
MSI Gt70- http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152554
Lenovo G5070- http/shopap.lenovo.com/au/en/laptops/lenovo/g-series/g50-70/?ipromoID=auow_pub_mml_g50-70
I will be using for other everyday uses like surfing the web and using Microsoft word etc. Please give me your opinions. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Hp envy 15- http/www.dicksmith.com.au/laptops-notebooks/4th-generation-intel-para-copy-core-fnof-iquest-frac12-i7-4700mq-processor-1tb-5400rpm-hard-dsau-xc9009
MSI Gt70- http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152554
Lenovo G5070- http/shopap.lenovo.com/au/en/laptops/lenovo/g-series/g50-70/?ipromoID=auow_pub_mml_g50-70
I will be using for other everyday uses like surfing the web and using Microsoft word etc. Please give me your opinions. Any help is greatly appreciated!