What we do if windows 7 processor is working and the screen is not working ??

uday veer

Feb 2, 2013
please help me !! when i open hp notebook G62-457DX its processor is working nd its screen is not working just a black screen that let me knows that my laptop is on !! please help me desprately need your help my whole career depen 🙁 😱 ds on it !!
Have you tried shutting it down, and letting it restart lately? It sounds like you've just been closing the lid and making it hibernate. When you open the laptop, it is *supposed* to wake from hibernation.

Remove battery & unplug from wall. Hold down power button for 20 seconds. Plug everything back in and press power button. Then, hopefully, you will get your computer back to working condition.

yeah i hv done it but it didnt work 🙁((( buh i'll surely do that 20 seconds technique !! nd thanks for your help thanks a lot :)