Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)
I'm currently looking at buying a 52 inch JVC ILA. From what I've been
reading, JVC HD-ILA gives the best picture especially on SD and has the best
potential for long-term reliability, at least in my price range. But there's
something weird going on in that little world.
The HD-52Z575 is available locally (Ontario) for $4000-$4500 Canadian, but
since sets are due to be sold soon with a built-in digital tuner I thought I
would wait until that's included, so I'm not dependent on my satellite
without a plug-in box. I got JVC sales literature at a store and it mentions
975-series versions of the 52 and 61inchers, with the tuner. It also says
that they are not sold in Canada, fair enough since it's the U.S. which is
mandating the change. But other makers are selling sets with internal tuners
up here so I thought I'd just wait.
But out of curiosity I checked the U.S. JVC website. It makes no mention of
a 795 series, or ILA set with an internal tuner. Instead, it lists HD-52Z585
and HD-61Z585. These look like the 795 (all black) but make no mention of an
internal tuner. Furthermore they have the same suggested sales price as the
equivalent 575.
Is JVC having some kind of difficulty with its internal tuners?
I'm currently looking at buying a 52 inch JVC ILA. From what I've been
reading, JVC HD-ILA gives the best picture especially on SD and has the best
potential for long-term reliability, at least in my price range. But there's
something weird going on in that little world.
The HD-52Z575 is available locally (Ontario) for $4000-$4500 Canadian, but
since sets are due to be sold soon with a built-in digital tuner I thought I
would wait until that's included, so I'm not dependent on my satellite
without a plug-in box. I got JVC sales literature at a store and it mentions
975-series versions of the 52 and 61inchers, with the tuner. It also says
that they are not sold in Canada, fair enough since it's the U.S. which is
mandating the change. But other makers are selling sets with internal tuners
up here so I thought I'd just wait.
But out of curiosity I checked the U.S. JVC website. It makes no mention of
a 795 series, or ILA set with an internal tuner. Instead, it lists HD-52Z585
and HD-61Z585. These look like the 795 (all black) but make no mention of an
internal tuner. Furthermore they have the same suggested sales price as the
equivalent 575.
Is JVC having some kind of difficulty with its internal tuners?