I'm a web designer/developer (own my own small company). I use Photoshop and Illustrator CC daily. I'm starting to build mobile apps and will be getting into more software development over the next few months. I'm looking at purchasing a maxed out ThinkPad W541 (Intel Core i7-4940MX Processor Extreme Edition, NVIDIA Quadro K2100M 2G). I'll be adding 32GB of RAM (http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231772&cm_re=laptop_ram_ddr3-_-20-231-772-_-Product) and a 500GB SSD (http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147373&cm_re=ssd_hdd-_-20-147-373-_-Product).
My question is this: Is this just complete overkill for what I'll be using it for? I definitely want/need support for at least 3 monitors. That is one reason I'm leaning towards a ThinkPad. I've used ThinkPads in the past and they've always been bulletproof.
Any thoughts/advice are appreciated. Thanks!
My question is this: Is this just complete overkill for what I'll be using it for? I definitely want/need support for at least 3 monitors. That is one reason I'm leaning towards a ThinkPad. I've used ThinkPads in the past and they've always been bulletproof.
Any thoughts/advice are appreciated. Thanks!