Where are my lost albums?


Feb 27, 2015
Samsung tablet model T330NU: I was looking at my photo gallery, and at some point two of my albums simply vanished from the gallery. I have no idea why, as I did not request a delete. Their photos are nowhere to be found now, either. Could I have accidentally hidden them? How can I find and restore these? Thanks....
That is rather odd. I would definitely try checking the tablet for viruses, malware, etc.

Also, while there is no guaranty that you can get them back. There are a few apps/programs out there that 'may' be able to help you recover the data.

A few of the programs you could try would be... DiskDigger, MobiSaver, Android-Recovery and Tenorshare. They are all data recovery apps/programs. There are many others out there, so check around and see which you would rather try. There is also one called RECUVA, that I have heard is free, which you could try.

One important note though, most of these programs are not free. They may say they are "free" or have "Free Trials" and "Free Downloads". Yet to actually recover your data, and get your files back, you may be have to purchase the program/app. Just so you know.

NOTE: For future reference, I really would suggest backing up your data to a computer or cloud. Often. Better to spend the time doing that, rather than to be out all that stuff if the tablet dies, things get deleted/erased or it gets stolen.


Feb 27, 2015
Thank you so much. I think I may know what the problem is. At some point I had checked off a couple of albums, then on the menu I accidentally hit "Hide". It must have done what it was told and hid the two albums. But I have no idea how to retrieve them. Surely this tablet doesn't hide things forever. There must be a way to get them back, but I have not found it.
And I'm feeling like an idiot if this is indeed what happened. :pfff:

OKAY - Update! I found them, but it took some trial and error. I clicked on files, then on device, I think, which ultimately brought me to .hide, then there they were. Thank goodness. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to restore them into the gallery! Maybe I need to keep browsing through this mysterious device.
In the Gallery there should be an option, if you tap and hold the three dot menu, for hidden files. At this particular moment I am not recalling the actual location/sequence to get to it, however I do know that there is one there. But, forewarning, when photos are hidden, a password is usually needed to get back to them. So you will have to remember what you created.


Feb 27, 2015
Hi, webworkings....I have no difficulty getting to my hidden albums now. I can open and view them just as I can in the regular photo gallery, And I finally got them back into my photo gallery. A mysterious-looking eye was one of the options at the top of the hidden photos page. I thought WTH and clicked on it - it began loading, and within seconds my albums had been restored to the gallery.
Someone mentioned backing up my photos to a computer - I have a laptop, and would really like to transfer some of my tablet photos to its picture file. I have no idea how to do this - can someone help?