Where can I find my Notebooks drivers?


Jun 6, 2016
Hello, I've got the Toshiba NB550D-10H (par no. pll5fe because i needed that i some research). I want to finally upgrade it to win 8 but i can't find these old drivers i would need on a site i can really trust. I hope someone can help

Windows 8 will install standard drivers and your computer will work but not optimal. I use a program called slimdrivers to get my drivers for computers that I can't find the drivers for. However do be careful when installing as it will want to install another program with it. Do not install it after you are done getting the drivers remove it and then you are set.

The problem is that i tried upgrading already with this pop up thing everybody got from microsoft but it just won't, i even tried forcing it with a command but it didn't work, i think it't not gonna work at all since it's pretty old :/

I got win 10 on my computer by making a bootable usb stick and then upgrading it through that by booting from the stick. I also couldn't do it from the pop-up.

Oh okay, did you need to put in a key then? or did it just do it's thing like it's supposed to do it from the pop up?

It was activated when it booted up.