Which is the best video editing software?


Dec 29, 2016
I want to learn video editing (I am a beginner) but I am pretty confused because there are tons of softwares available for this purpose.

AVS Video editor, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Elements, Sony Vegas Pro, Cyberlink PowerDirector Ultimate, lightworks, Pitivi, corel video studio, pinnacle studio, cinelerra, Magix movie edit pro, Avidemux, Wondershare filmora, movieplus, and many more

and I dont like Windows Movie Maker and camtasia studio.

Which is the best one. For windows and for linux.
I use wondershare filmora and I have learned a lot since I started in the summer with it. I love it and the only reason I would switch to Premiere pro is for the added functions. If you are a beginner go with Wondershare Filmora. It is cheap and has a one time charge for life (who knows maybe you will just use it for good)
I use wondershare filmora and I have learned a lot since I started in the summer with it. I love it and the only reason I would switch to Premiere pro is for the added functions. If you are a beginner go with Wondershare Filmora. It is cheap and has a one time charge for life (who knows maybe you will just use it for good)

The only problem is free trials run out. Wondershare Filmora also has tutorials. Also it is cheaper and your skills can easily be transferred to programs for pros when the time comes
It really depends on what you ultimately want to do, how much money you want to spend, Is this a hobby, etc...

Get something for free and see if you really want to do video editing, it's not hard but does take time.


I think its my hobby. Actually I find these things pretty interesting and eagerly want to learn it. And with a google search I get to know that Cyberlink PowerDirector and Sony Vegas Pro is for normal users. So, I thought the it may be good for me. BTW I think interface of every software is somehow similar. But I am still confused please suggest a moderate video editor not very basic and not very typical.:ange:

The one I recommend is Wondershare Filmora. It has all of the standard features and a few more to figure out
Just a note - Adobe After Effects is not video editing software. It can be used with your video editing software but should never be a replacement for editing software. You have been given some good suggestions here. Start out with basics and grow from there.
I tried many application for this purpose, and in my long experience (but I am not pro, home or personal use) Adobe Premiere is the worst and complicated and not friendly user.

Cyberlink PowerDirector Ultimate is the best and so easy.
corel video studio and Sony Vegas Pro both are good, but I stopped using them for 6 years ago.
I gotta friend who swears by Magix movie edit pro, and he has tried all others types of editing software and hates sony vegas in particular. Cyberlink seems more user friendly in comparison to Magix, Vegas and Adobe and all of them seem equally capable. But Sony Vegas seems most unstable.