So I've been looking at laptops and I've come across two that I like. One is $800 (dell inspiron) and the other is $2250 (sager np 9870). I would like to know which one would be better in the long term (hopefully 4-5 years). I would be using the laptop for any college work, programming, and light to mid range gaming (I have a tower for the major gaming I need). However if I go with the $800 would it be possible to make the case around the keyboard "less flimsy". I watched a linustechtips video about the $800 laptop (dell inspiron) and when he showed the keyboard he could push in on the case and it would move under his hand. I would like to solve that issue and make the case harder to push down if its possible. Thanks for any help.
$800 laptop - http
$2250 laptop - http
$800 laptop - http

$2250 laptop - http