Who Designed This Crap? The Great Ipod Scam

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Congrats and welcome to the dark side. :twisted:


Rockbox is beautiful, my H320 runs it right now, it's absolutely beautiful. It is a shame that Rockbox is so big yet hardly any significant part of the population has gathered to install it. Well congrats, you must get pacman, it's perfect. I can give you directions if you want. Oh, and start making that WPS, it's fun and easy imo.

What's WPS? And rock box allows you to play pacman on your dap? That's pretty nice. I'd have it on my phone, but they'll only rent it by the month, and as much as I'd like it, I'm not paying 3 or 4 bucks a month for a 25 year-old game.
If you're looking for a replacement, get an Ipod or IAudio X5. I would prefer the Iaudio X5 though, not that I'm biased, but Ipod really is not to my liking with the scroll whell.
mpasternak said:
other than that everytime someone mentioned it you called them selfish and ignorant

It is selfish to express opinion as fact when one knows full well that opinion is not accurate.


here you go again telling someone that their opinion is wrong and that we're not entitled to it?

you have also yet to prove any of us that our opinion's our wrong

I have, repeatedly, you choose to ignore those posts.

Being uninformed is one thing, but knowing the truth and saying something else as your "opinion" is bad. You can't see that?
WPS is While Playing Screen. You can build your own through WPS tags in the wps file. Rockbox has a plugin dedicated to Doom/Doom II and Pacbox. You need the wad files for Doom and need the rom files for Pacman. And it's fun. There is also a Gameboy Colour emulator. Rockbox is fun, plays vorbis, flac, wavpack, mp3, some aac, and no WMA (that's a plus for me 😉).
FROM What i've noticed on rockbox is that the interface is completely customizable.

the menu's are basically the same but have more features and added benefits. and the now playing screen is completely customizable however you want it.

you can have whatever bmp as your bakcground and change fonts and stuff by editting text. I've downloaded a bunch of predefined themes and quite enjoy it.

now instead of having the "song title, band and album showing with the time of the track.

i have all that plus, volume, the stars. how long the track is in total, the rate and file type as well as prefetching what the next song will be

Sweet. Can you tell it to show any field in the tag? I've always thought it'd be cool to have one where you put key words in the comment field (or create a new field for the keywords) and then when you do a random playlist it could try to string songs together that are somehow related).

Maybe an influences field in the tag.

I'm guessing I'll have to wait till my player dies before I can switch to rock box. It'd shock me if they developed firmware for it.
i've been playing with this rockbox for a while now

i'm having some trouble with the playlist making. but thats cause i havnt converted any music yet and it's reading the itunes generated directory structure 🙁

is there a way to set it to randomize every single track on the iupod?
WPS is While Playing Screen. You can build your own through WPS tags in the wps file. Rockbox has a plugin dedicated to Doom/Doom II and Pacbox. You need the wad files for Doom and need the rom files for Pacman. And it's fun. There is also a Gameboy Colour emulator. Rockbox is fun, plays vorbis, flac, wavpack, mp3, some aac, and no WMA (that's a plus for me 😉).

Nice. I have nothing against WMA, but I don't use it either. I ripped all my CD's to flac, encoded them into OGG and put the flac files on DVD's. Alas, I'll have to do it again some day, as I was using EZCDDA for extraction. It worked well until I kept it open for a long time....then around the time I got to the P's or R's it started having problems on every disk. Restarting fixed it, but after that I used CDEX and/or EAC. I've still got some problems. And actually I think even EAC or CDEX screwed up a few tracks, as I've got some U2 that's messed up, and that was long after I quit using EZCDDA.

Does rockbox handle Fairplay? I'm assuming it doesn't (not that that matters to me, since I'd never buy lossy files).
i've always ripped my music straight to MP3 and never had a problem

I record all my Mp3's straight from CD to MP3 in 320kbps @ 44khz

i'm pretty happy with the quality of almost all my music
You know what, you have told me that I should go read it for myself. Why don't you revise your arguments in one post so that I can be "disproved" as you may see it. You're full of something, and it's not water nor blood.

Here it is simply (since you apparantly lack the desire to read back and find out for yourself)...

Posts were made (by many) that the iPod will not do gapless. We went round and round and came to the conclusion that M-W's definition of gapless was not good enough and that it was the "opinion" that gapless only meant DAP's which could perform this on the fly (i.e. not joined tracks)

My contention was, and always has been, that it is unfair to make such statements w/o qualification. An uninformed reader might come to the conclusion that there is "no" gapless playback and leave it at that. Leaving with nothing but less than the truth.

There, I did the work for you.


What qualification? Are you trying to be serious? Look, Ipod = no gapless playback. The Ipod can play a gapless file, but it's not gapless. I would never trust M-W, they wouldn't understand it in technical terms. May I see this definition, it's not showing up on their site.

You see, with this workaround, and the labelling of it being gapless creates a false statement aswell. If, as you say, the ipod is gapless, than what is the Karma? It doesn't need to join files, is it like super-gapless (that's a joke, I hope you know that).

And why do you care about what others know, eh? It's their fault that they didn't study the subject thoroughly.
No fair play as it's DRM. And it's nice to know that you're a lossless fan also. I would however suggest you trying Wavpack, it has a better compression ratio. Flac is still good though. And Vorbis is the way to play music! You really should get an H120 or H320, you might love it.
In my experience, it's not the MP3 format that sounds crappy. It's MP3s encoded with certain codecs and options. For example, MP3s are typically encoded with a high and low pass filter. This is fine for headphones that don't reproduce those tones anyway. But if you're going to be playing them on high end audiophile quality equipment, you don't want those filters applied. I use the LAME codec with the the "insane" preset. For reference, a typical 1 hour CD usually takes up around 120-150 MB as MP3s. Still a lot better than CDs. I haven't been able to personally hear the difference between the original and these MP3s using a Turtle beach Catalina, Yamaha 1000 TX, and NHT 2.4 towers.

You hit the nail on the head - most people don't seem to bother tweaking the settings of their ripper. I rip my CDs using LAME 3.90 VBR, highest quality (0) with no filtering applied and my mp3s sound amazing. I am really fussy about sound quality too, having grown up with high quality stereo equipment and playing in numerous bands over the years.

It helps to invest in decent cans too. My Koss PortaPro's really complement my Rio player and squeeze every ounce of fidelity from it. Just yesterday, I auditioned them for a woman at my office who had blown a pile of cash on a new iPod and was raving about how good it sounded. Her jaw hit the floor when she heard how amazing my little $99 player sounded with good headphones!
this is kinda irkin me. can't figure it out

i've created a new playlist on the ipod in box.. and now when i go to view it it's empty.

even though when i created new playlist it listed that i had 2100 files.

whats going on!

ignore me.. restarting it fixed
After reading again the article I stand to my claiming: This is not a tech discussion.

This is the “iPod and iTunes killed the music” article: “The music really died the day Apple brought the Ipod and Itunes to market wrapped in a series of sub-scams that not only killed the music, but what was left of the soul of Apple itself.” This is practically the final sentence in the conclusion page.

And as I read websites like Tom’s Harware, Anandtech, X-bit labs, Mac Central, Hexus, among others, I like to understand and get to know the products I intent to buy Before I actually buy them.

So I prefer Tech sites being a Tech sites and limiting opinions with implications of feelings and ideas so strong and so hatefull. This is a hate article.

Jose E Castejon
on another note

I've just installed rockbox on my ipod

and it pretty much solved most of my gripes i've ever had.

now too bad apple couldnt design a interface like this.

still got a couple little gripes, but they're pretty much acceptable

did the same on my iriver iHP-120 and it pretty much rules. i love it. the on the fly creation of play lists is quite nice.
If you're looking for a replacement, get an Ipod or IAudio X5. I would prefer the Iaudio X5 though, not that I'm biased, but Ipod really is not to my liking with the scroll whell.

anyone know how the audio quality on that Iaudio X5 stacks up against the iriver iHP-120? cause i absolutely love the sound on the iriver, but im looking into a new player....
You know what, you have told me that I should go read it for myself. Why don't you revise your arguments in one post so that I can be "disproved" as you may see it. You're full of something, and it's not water nor blood.

Here it is simply (since you apparantly lack the desire to read back and find out for yourself)...

Posts were made (by many) that the iPod will not do gapless. We went round and round and came to the conclusion that M-W's definition of gapless was not good enough and that it was the "opinion" that gapless only meant DAP's which could perform this on the fly (i.e. not joined tracks)

My contention was, and always has been, that it is unfair to make such statements w/o qualification. An uninformed reader might come to the conclusion that there is "no" gapless playback and leave it at that. Leaving with nothing but less than the truth.

There, I did the work for you.


What qualification? Are you trying to be serious? Look, Ipod = no gapless playback. The Ipod can play a gapless file, but it's not gapless. I would never trust M-W, they wouldn't understand it in technical terms. May I see this definition, it's not showing up on their site.

You see, with this workaround, and the labelling of it being gapless creates a false statement aswell. If, as you say, the ipod is gapless, than what is the Karma? It doesn't need to join files, is it like super-gapless (that's a joke, I hope you know that).

And why do you care about what others know, eh? It's their fault that they didn't study the subject thoroughly.

I paraphrased the entire discussion and spoon fed it to you, even though I requested you look back for all of your answers as they have already been discussed. Why do you persist in demanding verification of that which has been verified but are only too lazy to look up?

Why do you call it a "workaround" when it is clearly an implemented "feature" of the software?

I never said they didn't study the subject thoughly, in fact I said the opposite (had you read back you would know this). I said they did not tell the entire truth. I have said that repeatedly and am continually misquoted. The reading comprehension of some is apalling.

Too bad about not trusting M-W, how about Wiki? They mirrored the definition. Of course it does not show up on their site (M-W), this has already been covered (did you read to discover that for yourself, no).

So, you have drudged up topics already covered. Why, because you did not read. Then you have the audacity to question what I have summed up for you.... why? Because you did not read. I guess if you ever got poor grades you would say it was the teachers fault for not going home with you and helping with your homework?

Go read, come back, discuss.

Why do you call it a "workaround" when it is clearly an implemented "feature" of the software?

Because nobody was talking about iTunes. Everyone was talking about the iPod specificallly and most DAPs in general. It's a kludge to workaround the fact that the iPod cannot play back albums, including those purchased off iTunes (like The Wall that you bought for someone)

Too bad about not trusting M-W, how about Wiki? They mirrored the definition. Of course it does not show up on their site (M-W), this has already been covered (did you read to discover that for yourself, no).

Not Wiki doens't mirror what you say. In fact, under gapless, the only way the ipod is a solution is if you install different firmware from Rockbox. Once you change the firmware, it's not really Apples solution anymore.

So, you have drudged up topics already covered. Why, because you did not read. Then you have the audacity to question what I have summed up for you.... why? Because you did not read. I guess if you ever got poor grades you would say it was the teachers fault for not going home with you and helping with your homework?


troll troll troll troll. Troll Troll Troll Troll. TROLL M_S IS A TROLL.
So, I guess that Itunes is a "feature" of the Ipod. Just like WMP is a "feature" of the U10. Your statements are definately contrived, I have read your earlier posts, but I tried to filter all the crap out. I don't need to be spoon fed, you just need to do some work for yourself.

M_S, if this is a feature, it's a pretty old one as this is a very old practice, it's not only on Itunes. Itunes is not a feature, it's a program. Joining tracks is not old. "Implemented", implemented in the program, yes. Does your lovely Ipod force you to join tracks if you seek gapless, yes. It's a workaround because it is the use of 3rd party software to join tracks together. Your Ipod doesn't do that by default. If you seek gapless, you are forced to join tracks, I guess I'm fortunate that I don't have to go through this tedious task and still have gapless.
What qualification? Are you trying to be serious? Look, Ipod = no gapless playback. The Ipod can play a gapless file, but it's not gapless. I would never trust M-W, they wouldn't understand it in technical terms. May I see this definition, it's not showing up on their site.

There isn't one. There is a definition of gap. Bottom line is that most people are familiar with how CD's work. CD players are gapless players. iPods and most other players out there (my original post didn't talk only about the iPod, but rather MP3/DAPs in general) dont support gapless.

I said that was a deal breaker for me and man others (or something like that) and thats what he was replying to.

To M_S, if one claimed that a CD player that put gaps between songs couldn't play Dark Side of the moon without putting gaps between songs, he'd say, "Yes it can, if you concatenate all the files together, it will play it without gaps. You're misleading the public."

What more can you expect from troll?