Who Designed This Crap? The Great Ipod Scam

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i've not bothered responding to him.

the lack of intelligence is outstanding. you can't argue with someone like this because they'll change the facts to suit himself.

he goes on to flame someone and then when you call him a flamer or a troll he'll say "i never flamed anyone"

he did it two posts after flaming me.

i've made a report to the mod team. i recommend everyone doing the same.. pick one of his posts and click "report" button thats found on the bottom left.

He's just a troll. I gave him one more shot to answer the question, but he'll claim it doens't apply or he doesn't understand how it applies. I'm not sure which is worse, a troll that claims he doesn't understand the applicability of the question or a person so lacking in critical thinking that he or she actually doesn't understand.

Your logic is dizzying. You fail to make a point and think that asking a question that YOU claimed the only two possible outcomes of answering are looking like and idiot or being wrong. Interesting way to make a point.

Yeah, very typical. In the beginning with the gapless argument, it was retarded. He's the only one saying that the ipod is gapless, it's not even close.

M_S, want evidence?


Read that, you can see that your lovely ipod HAS A GAP!

That's a gap on the 1g and 2g. At the footnote at the bottom, 3g and 4g reduced the time but it's still there. It's going to be there in the 5g. Apple does not do gapless.
your failure to understand a concept isn't due to someone elses dizzying logic. if everyone else here seems to understand it. maybe you should consider that you are to inept
Yeah, very typical. In the beginning with the gapless argument, it was retarded. He's the only one saying that the ipod is gapless, it's not even close.

M_S, want evidence?


Read that, you can see that your lovely ipod HAS A GAP!

There's no point. I asked him a simple question 2 or 3 times, and he won't answer it. He's a classic troll. But give him credit, he kept it going for 3 days.
Yeah, very typical. In the beginning with the gapless argument, it was retarded. He's the only one saying that the ipod is gapless, it's not even close.

M_S, want evidence?


Read that, you can see that your lovely ipod HAS A GAP!

That's a gap on the 1g and 2g. At the footnote at the bottom, 3g and 4g reduced the time but it's still there. It's going to be there in the 5g. Apple does not do gapless.

Right back to square one. You didn't read all the posts, did you?

Why argue a point that has been conceded, are you masochistic?

your failure to understand a concept isn't due to someone elses dizzying logic. if everyone else here seems to understand it. maybe you should consider that you are to inept

You are doing it again. Reading what I type and making up your own meanings. What concept do I not understand? I have, repeatedly, conceded the point that the iPod will not join tracks on it's own w/o firmware modification (I assume that's what you are getting at). How can you not understand that? That is what these "personal" attacks are about. Your failure to "personally" read something and not turn it into what you think it should mean rather than what is actually written.

You do it over and over and over and...

Yes I am, I love to see you bleed. :twisted:

Not my fault if someone doesn't know what gapless playback on a DAP means. You claim you have credentials but you don't show them through your character or knowledge. Looks like someone wasted 4 years of their life :roll: .

Anyways, I have read the posts, your points aren't valid. Gapless playback is with multiple files, why should I be forced to join files, eh? Why should I be forced when there is a possible function for many DAPs alike named gapless? You don't get it, do you?
Yeah, I know. There was never any hope for M_S. He will remain a troller and still won't get what gapless playback means.

It's truly amazing. How did you come up with that from the reading?

You seem to be afflicted with mpasternak's disease.

I've read just about the entire thread.

this is the first I recall that you've admitted that.

other than that everytime someone mentioned it you called them selfish and ignorant

now i hope you can understand it. get it in your head that yes there's a work around. but it's really not the solutions we'd like and doesnt truly adress the issue.
Yeah, I know. There was never any hope for M_S. He will remain a troller and still won't get what gapless playback means.

It's truly amazing. How did you come up with that from the reading?

You seem to be afflicted with mpasternak's disease.


THIS would constitute as a flame

you've been doing this the entire thread to everyone
You know what, you have told me that I should go read it for myself. Why don't you revise your arguments in one post so that I can be "disproved" as you may see it. You're full of something, and it's not water nor blood.
I've read just about the entire thread.

this is the first I recall that you've admitted that.

Then you didn't read the entire thread.

other than that everytime someone mentioned it you called them selfish and ignorant

It is selfish to express opinion as fact when one knows full well that opinion is not accurate.

now i hope you can understand it. get it in your head that yes there's a work around. but it's really not the solutions we'd like and doesnt truly adress the issue.

I have always understood that, again, you must not have read the entire thread or you are incapable of understanding things other than how you want to.

M_S said:
other than that everytime someone mentioned it you called them selfish and ignorant

It is selfish to express opinion as fact when one knows full well that opinion is not accurate.


here you go again telling someone that their opinion is wrong and that we're not entitled to it?

you have also yet to prove any of us that our opinion's our wrong
Yeah, I know. There was never any hope for M_S. He will remain a troller and still won't get what gapless playback means.

He gets it. He just wants to argue that if a mix of 20 songs, all of which segue into the song after it, it's wrong to say the iPod can't play them back gaplessly, because making it a single track (a single file) allows it to do so.

Nobody would accept this definition on with a CD player, but he thinks it's is misleading to expect a DAP to work like the hardware/software we've been using for 20+ years (Compact Disc)

Using his logic, if a CD player placed gaps between every track on The Wall, and I said it couldn't play the wall back like it was supposed to, he'd say I could rip the cd, use a tool to merge them into a single file and then that CD player could do it. As such, I was misleading the public.

Another analogy is like arguing that I'm misleading the public by saying CD players can't play back a 24 tracks simultaneously, because most Songs on an album are made up of 48 or more (each). As such, I'm misleading the public.

I could go on, but you get the point. In the end, he's just a troll.

If you ignore him long enough, he'll return to the dark hole from whence he comes.
on another note

I've just installed rockbox on my ipod

and it pretty much solved most of my gripes i've ever had.

now too bad apple couldnt design a interface like this.

still got a couple little gripes, but they're pretty much acceptable
You know what, you have told me that I should go read it for myself. Why don't you revise your arguments in one post so that I can be "disproved" as you may see it. You're full of something, and it's not water nor blood.

Here it is simply (since you apparantly lack the desire to read back and find out for yourself)...

Posts were made (by many) that the iPod will not do gapless. We went round and round and came to the conclusion that M-W's definition of gapless was not good enough and that it was the "opinion" that gapless only meant DAP's which could perform this on the fly (i.e. not joined tracks)

My contention was, and always has been, that it is unfair to make such statements w/o qualification. An uninformed reader might come to the conclusion that there is "no" gapless playback and leave it at that. Leaving with nothing but less than the truth.

There, I did the work for you.

on another note

I've just installed rockbox on my ipod

and it pretty much solved most of my gripes i've ever had.

now too bad apple couldnt design a interface like this.

still got a couple little gripes, but they're pretty much acceptable

So the interface does change when you install rockbox? I have a karma, and I'm generally happy with it, but unfortunately DNNA's exit from the market means no more firmware updates and no knew players.

I think the future, however is fairly bright, given that both company that bought the Rio IP from DNNA and the company that Apple just contracted with for the iPods both support gapless playback. I have to believe that anyone using these chipsets are going to support it as well.
Congrats and welcome to the dark side. :twisted:


Rockbox is beautiful, my H320 runs it right now, it's absolutely beautiful. It is a shame that Rockbox is so big yet hardly any significant part of the population has gathered to install it. Well congrats, you must get pacman, it's perfect. I can give you directions if you want. Oh, and start making that WPS, it's fun and easy imo.
FROM What i've noticed on rockbox is that the interface is completely customizable.

the menu's are basically the same but have more features and added benefits. and the now playing screen is completely customizable however you want it.

you can have whatever bmp as your bakcground and change fonts and stuff by editting text. I've downloaded a bunch of predefined themes and quite enjoy it.

now instead of having the "song title, band and album showing with the time of the track.

i have all that plus, volume, the stars. how long the track is in total, the rate and file type as well as prefetching what the next song will be