in stating Opinion. there is no fact.
yu can USE fact to endorse your opinion. but you can't say yours or my opinion is fact.
no one is disputing the facts. there IS a problem. there IS a work around.
whether I, or anyone else LIKES the work around is Opinion.
because this is our opinion and my opinion, we have right to say it. you have right to state your opinion elsewise
You (and others) said the iPod would NOT do gapless playback. You did NOT say this was was your opinion. You (and others) let it be taken as fact (how can you argue otherwise unless you qualify it as opinion or at least say "it can, but...").
You are incorrect that "in stating Opinion. there is no fact." If you state opinion and ignore fact what do you have? A worthless opinion which is what started this mess to begin with.
nilepez, your comments do not merit response.