Why have i slow download speeds on one computer but not on other


Oct 19, 2012
Hello, I have just bought a new Fujitsu laptop which I have connected to the same router as my wife's Samsung. We have both run download speed tests on speedtest.net one after the other and she is getting a constant average of 21mbps and I am getting a constant average of 3 mbps. we have no other downloads running and my laptop seems to be a higher spec than her's. I have tried turning off both the avast virus protection and windows firewall and re-running the test but get the same results. The laptop has only been turned on for the first time this evening so I would expect everything to be perfect. Please help.
Thanks for your quick reply. My wireless network adapter seems to be a Centrino wireless N 2230 and my wife's is listed as an Atheros AR9285 - can't find a b,g or n in the details?

Hi :)

Assuming yours is newer than your wife's ?

An N card is capable of 300 mbps... but how old is your Router because it may not like the N connection...in theory the n card SHOULD slow down to the slower earlier speeds (i.e be backwardly compatible) but that's theory...in practice you may have to get a new N rated router...

All the best Brett :)
Yes, my wife's laptop is about a year old and mine was bought today. The router is only six months old and is a virgin media superhub VMDG-480 which seems to be quite good. I was wondering if there might be a setting on my laptop or in windows 7 that might be limiting the download speed?
ofc - there is always the "distance" factor..

Presume you doing it from same position in house? its not like she is doing test within 1 metre of the wirless router and you are running your test from 50 yards away.. through 4 brick walls?

Sorry if its am obvious question.... but on Toms - you really cant take anything for granted.... there are some SERIOUS noobs out there 😉.
No, sensible question, we are sitting within a metre of each other and we are both about 4 metres from the router in the same room.

Hi :)

Ah you must be in the UK as well....

That so called SUPERHUB with VM caused a LOT of problems with speed...they issued a firmware update that was MEANT to cure it...

I think you will have to ring VM support tomorrow....

You could try one other thing first though....

Connect wirelessly to someone else`s router (a friend etc)

If its slow as well its your laptops problem, if its fine on speedtest its your Superhub...

All the best Brett :)
Cheers for the advice. Unfortunately the only other friend closeby who has wireless net has a normal speed of about 1-2mbps so don't think it will tell me much! Will try calling virgin media tomorrow and hope to get it resolved.
Thanks very much for your help Brett.

If anyone else has any other ideas or theories then please feel free to share them as I am willing to try anything.

Hi :)

Try the free wireless at Macdonalds etc....

Off to be now as 2.30 am :)

All the best Brett :)

Well - I am on virgin and I have that router... and while I dont think the router is great... I think your experience seems very bad.
I have just tested.... on my iPhone... using the speedtest.net app
I am about 6 meters away from router... though 2 brick walls and the resultes were...
Ping 20ms... Down 29.61Mbps Up 3.01Mbps

The service I am on from Virgin is the "30Mb service" .. .. which is 30Mbs down and 3Mbs up.

Cant test on main PC... as its wired (Wires FTW 😉 )
