Windows drivers where AMD's should be!?


Jul 4, 2013
My Device Manager lists:

However I have installed the latest AMD Catalyst 13.8 drivers.. So.. should this not say AMD?
As well I was told I'm not supposed to update drivers on a laptop, But im a gamer with FPS issues so naturally this is where I go first. I've been injured and unable to work for the foreseeable future so this laptop is all I've no hope of upgrading anytime soon. Ergo I have to do what I can to get it running its best.
I play (Or try) Rift but have 8-10 FPS sitting still in town. People on older slower machines are playing with ease and laughing at me laggin around. I'm wondering if this is the problem.
Any advice, Tips or help would be greatly appreciated.

HP Pavillion G6

Windows 7 64 bit -- 3 week old install.

AMD A4-3305m Dual Core 1.9 - 2.5 mhz (Llano APU deal speeds up when needed or somthing)

HD Radeon 6480g GPU

2 gig + 4 gig DDR3 SDRAM (Odd combo I thought but came from store like that)

Microsoft Mobile Wireless Mouse 4000 USB


One thing I didnt mention that I should have.... I started off Playing Rift On Ultra high graphics settings and it ran like a dream... I turned it down to High because I knew that wouldnt last come big battles. It was only after about 2 weeks that I started the laggy FPS issues. I'm Painfully aware of what the computer is (or isnt).
Thank you very much for the info on the processors though... Made me wonder, So I'm glad thats no issue.
Okay, well that's odd that it was doing good and now isn't and you've downloaded the latest graphics drivers...I'd probably head over to hp's driver site and make sure everything else is up to date too. Not sure who told you not to update your drivers...they're supposed to improve things.

May I possibly suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Or is this happening with all games you play?

P.S. Nice name I've always enjoyed that song and the album it's on :)

Thanks hehe I'm a Die hard fan... Yea i got all the drivers updated.. used Driveridentifier and weeded out as best i could. HP hasnt updated the drivers since yrs before I got this machine, Its a large complaint on thier forums. =( I reinstalled the game as well same diff.. I was thinkin about makin a tiny little overclock here.. nothin too major but enough to take the lag edge off if you will.. But I dont know the first thing about it.. I do have AMD Overdrive.. just havent wanted to "Go there" yet. Means alot of readup and learning before I'll touch that.
I'll always have a special place in my heart for thrash metal.

Seems pretty odd that it was doing fine with games then stopped. How hot is the pc getting when in video games, maybe it's not getting proper ventilation. Although right now I'm just grasping at straws and seeing if I get a bight.

On to overclocking. I personally wouldn't risk it with a laptop, I've never done it on one. But given the heat limitations it might not end very well for your laptop.

This thing used to get really hot and shut down... after being repeatedly advised against it, I replaced the Thermal pad on the gpu with paste... now it idles at 40c and gets to 60c max.

It came with 1 2 gig stick and 1 4 gig stick when i bought it.. I was always told in my PCs that it wasnt a good Idea to have different sized sticks. Could that be a cause?


40-60c isn't bad. Atleast not bad for a discrete card, not sure about for laptops. Also repeated heatup crashes can be possibly damaging, but I think you'd notice worse things like artifacting if it was damaged.

Yeah to get the best performance you usually want to match that. I'd go and by yourself a 2x4gb kit. Not sure how much this has to do with your issue but it certainly is a good idea to do!
Side note even mixing batches of the same ram can lead to issues...that's why they sell them it kits of 2,4,6,8 etc.

Ive not seen anything that would indicate permanent damage. I watched diligently after fixing that little issue, As for the ram yea I thought that was strange . I Will check out the ram deal.. but sadly without Overclocking the cpu and maybe even the GPU I dont think anything is going to help me with this. Boils down to a 512 GPU in a laptop.. It just confuses me as to why guys I play with have older computers with the slower speeds than me and are getting 40 - 60 fps and I can barely break 20 in the best situation.
Oh.. I'm about to head out and im gunna check on Ram...Is it necessary for the ram to be from the same maker?
I ask because im going to have to cheap out as much as possible.. Im guessing the ram in here is HP ram but looking online at places Kingston might be the cheaper