Windows media player lag on opening of a video




I've got at home a celeron 300 and a P3 733, and both with win98 se with the LATEST version of windows media player (like the update from microsoft from the 24th i think).

Whenever I run any video format file on my celeron, it opens it and starts playing, immediately, be it media player or any games with videos clips etc built-in.

On my p3, i do the same thing, and all videos appear to hog the cpu for about 14 seconds after double-clicking them, to the detriment of mouse movement, disk activity, sound and any form of refresh on-screen. After this lag-period, all proceeds as normal.

It's odd.

could it be my video card or monitor in some freak-of-PC? my monitor is set up with generic drivers (since there are none for Olympic 19"s) and my Elsa Erazor Geforce256 32mb is running the latest detonator drivers from nvidia.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Dec 31, 2007
The <b>old</b> version of media player had a slider for CPU quality. The way it worked was the better your CPU the higher you could set the CPU quality. Setting the CPU quality high makes the CPU work harder and the quality of your picture would be better. A low setting took a huge workload off your processor but the picture does not look as good.

The newer versions of MP seem to set the cpu quality automaticly and it usually guesses too high putting too much load on your processor. On your 300 it is setting the quality down to zero so all the load is off your processor. On your 733 it is guessing too high (I think) and bogging down the system. Try an old version of MP and set cpu quality down a notch.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by LAKEDUDE on 04/28/01 10:30 PM.</EM></FONT></P>