Windows media services & encoder?


Mar 14, 2001
Hi, could anyone tell me what the differences are between "windows media services" & "windows media encoder"?
They all seem to be able to stream & record videos...
Should I use the "windows media services & encoder" that comes with windows 2000 advanced server? Or should I download the newest windows media encoder and use that?
The newest will cover the newest formats on the market, so why not go with it, you'll end up going to it anyway.

<b><font color=purple>Details, Details, Its all in the Details, If you need help, Don't leave out the Details.</font color=purple></b>
services are most likely those found on M$ web sites, including streaming video/audio.

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downloading the newest encoder will work better.

<b><font color=purple>
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind.
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