Windows not using nvidia for games


Aug 25, 2011

ive recently updated from win 8.1to win 10 and my games suddently are not using the geforce graphics card ive tried many solutions like :

going to the nvidia control panel choosing high performance nvidia processor under manage 3d settings

choosing the GTX965m for the physx processor

adding the game exe on the progrmas under nvidia control panel and choosing high performance nvidia processor

updated the latest driver from nvidia currently 364.72

checked if windows detects the graphic card under device manager

tried running the games in compatibility mode for win 8

however despite alll above regardless of whether i start the games in nvidia geforce experience or from the exe files in the installation the nvidia gpu activity remains inactive and the frames drop to 10 fps or slower (suggesting its sing the intel integrated )

im using a laptop MSI GAMING GE62 2Qe Apache with i7-4220 HQ 2.60ghz 16gb ram and 2gb nvidia gtx965m

R(win 8.1 all games ran smoothly under optimal settings )
best regards

Yes I'm plugged in and the battery profile is high performance :/