Hi, I asked my brother yesterday whether he preferred wired or wireless gaming headsets to which he replied; "Wired because they don't have any audio lag and clearer quality" I have already ordered the Turtle Beach PX3's (should be arriving in a day or two) I am a very big gamer and I know that wireless stuff causes a little radiation but that gets dispersed quite quickly so I don't mind that, I just really want to know how much audio lag they might have if any. I'm going to be about a meter away from the transmitter and you may be thinking why not use wired? well most headsets have the audio box on the wire and it gets heavy on your head and I like free movement and mobility without a heap of wires that get tangled easily. (By lag I mean the time before sound reaches headset being delayed noticeably)
Can't find anything on this,
Thanks in advance.
Can't find anything on this,
Thanks in advance.