Hello everyone, I have been doing some research and I'm thinking about selling my big gaming rig for a gaming laptop so I can easily move it from house to house. I'd like as much GPU horsepower as possible, but a decent CPU is a must as well for photo editing. I have been looking at things like these:
Are there any other models for around this price range that I am missing?
ALSO, my budget is dependent on how much I can sell my PC for (See below for PC details, also selling my Rosewill RK9100 and my 23" LG Flatron Monitor, so I imagine those will bump the price up a bit, I'm hoping for maybe $1100, which, compared to everyone else on my local craigslist, is a pretty fair price).
Are there any other models for around this price range that I am missing?
ALSO, my budget is dependent on how much I can sell my PC for (See below for PC details, also selling my Rosewill RK9100 and my 23" LG Flatron Monitor, so I imagine those will bump the price up a bit, I'm hoping for maybe $1100, which, compared to everyone else on my local craigslist, is a pretty fair price).