Recent content by kalogagatya

  1. K

    Indiegogo Project Pitches 650,000 Volt iPhone Stun Gun

    Why attach a stun gun when you already possess a hand grenade?..
  2. K

    Adobe Demonstrates Stunning Photo Deblurring Technology

    I wonder if this kind of technology is already in use in say.. secret agencies and in crime solver agencies..
  3. K

    iPhone 4S Sales Top Four Million in First Weekend

    And then some of this people WILL have the nerve of speaking about financial crysis, and how it hurts them ....
  4. K

    Turn Your iPhone Into a Robot With Romo

    hmm interesting, considering that iphones already have the ability to turn users into robots...
  5. K

    iPhone 4S Preorders Exceed One Million in 24 Hours

    *sigh*.. I'm sad that consumerism is the predictable reaction of some people to the loss of a visionary...
  6. K

    Illusionist Uses Three iPod Touches in 'Magic' Trick

    always knew magic was the only way people would buy from apple. (great performance btw ^^)
  7. K

    Apple Store Gets Burglarized for $24,000 Worth

    hehehehe... payback!!
  8. K

    Report: There's Danger in Texting While Walking

    Some people i know shouldn't text at all....
  9. K

    Smaller iPads May Hit Stores This Holiday Season

    iphone: for big egos ipad: for bigger egos smaller ipad: something in between?
  10. K

    Report: Apple's iPad Could Make You Smarter!

    OF COURSE!! when u buy an ipad and u hit the bottom, it would be impossible to get any dumber anyway!!
  11. K

    Man With Hitler Speech as Ringtone Faces Jailtime

    hmmmmm.... its good to see that besides hitler only apple news brings this kind of fuss!!
  12. K

    Man With Hitler Speech as Ringtone Faces Jailtime

    hmm.. nope, just you man.
  13. K

    Man With Hitler Speech as Ringtone Faces Jailtime

    I AM LOVING THIS DEBATE!! this is the main reason why we should have freedom of speech.. making mistakes and posting wrong facts IS freedom of speech.. having your post critized and corrected IS freedom of speech.. expressing yourself is THE freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is like an...
  14. K

    iPad App Remedies Premature Ejaculation (Really?)

    AH! that's an easy one. a photo of the average ipad owner will kill any boner, let alone PE :P
  15. K

    iPhone 4 Fans Still Queuing Five Days Later

    even the sign tells them to stop, but they only react to white lights.. :\