10 Classic PC Games Begging For A Remake

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Isn't Dungeons by Kalypso a kind of spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper? I haven't played it but it sounds like a similar style of game.

Swordquest is a ripoff of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons from TSR;so maybe that one will come to light...
Bring back Carmageddon 1!!!!!!! I bought a whole new computer just to play that game - best IT investment I ever spent in my entire life.
I'd like those re-mastered in high definition, at least 1080p/high bit-rate.
Phantasmagoria 1 & 2
7th Guest
11th Hour.
Gabriel Knight 2.
- Interstate '76.

Car-based death-match game with massive, wide open environments. Nothing like getting some power-ups and hitting the gas down a long desert road, heading towards the baddies. Alternatively one could just drive around the desert, exploring. To accompany the ride you had some awesome 70's music which seems good enough to play in it's own right as it seems rather soothing. The sound FX are great too, the bass from the explosions have some real weight behind them. It all added up to quite an enjoyable experience. I was quite impressed with what I'd got considering it was one of 3 free games I'd got free with a graphics card.

This game is simple in concept but well executed. That is what I like about it. It does not come with all the bells and whistles, time limits or limited environments of modern affairs; you just get in your car and drive around some very remote desert vista's as you weed out the bad guys and rescue your friends. Naturally modern games don't use more advanced shading techniques than just flat shading, and offer a lot of co-operative play, but aside from the GTA series and some other game I can't remember, they don't feel the same. I wish GTA was more open like this, and people actually had to struggle to get somewhere instead of having most of it done for them.

Does anyone else remember this game? I also bought the add-on: i76 - Nitro Riders. It was very good as well. The sequel..Interstate 82.. well, what can I say other not impressed.
[citation][nom]memadmax[/nom]Use DOSBOX It will pretty much run any DOS game out there.[/citation]

Oh yes I so agree with you!. Like Andy Patrizio didn't even know this existed or maybe he's thinking of DOSBox when as the headache mentioned, but then he obviously doesn't know about the easy-to-use GUI front-ends to DOSBox that even include DOSBox so you only have to install one piece of sw! It works on Windows and MAC - yes, play a DOS game on a MAC like my MacBook Pro in a window or full screen. I use "D-Fend Reloaded" for Windows and DBGL on the MAC. They're very easy to use. I can install all kinds of games and run them on my Windows 7 64-bit Intel i7-920 based system as well as my MBP without problems. I can even copy the installed game from Windows to my MBP, tell DBGL it's there. Some tweaking needed but some sw titles they already know the correct profile (ie: setting such as display, CPU, etc) to use. The front-ends I use are not the only one with these features and a list is of them is at DOSBox's website. At least with the Windows version, I can even use my Joysticks for the games that need them.

Anyway, I like many of the titles listed, but would love to see modern remakes of the following DOS or Windows 95 games that won't play on modern systems without DOSBox:

- Descent II (fantastic FPS with 360 degrees of motion - great! game)
- M1 Tank Platoon ( ver 2 was a good attempt but I want more)
- 688 Attack Sub
- Sentinel Worlds I: Future Magic (role playing game with a team you create and increases in skill & experience, etc)
- Battlezone (Oh please make a new version of this fantastic arcade game!)
- Education games for little kids like my 4-yr old

BTW, I play all of the above originals using the front-ends mentioned above
[citation][nom]hawkwindeb[/nom]BTW, I play all of the above originals using the front-ends mentioned above[/citation]

Wouldn't you rather play them in full frame 4XAA video with modern AI and physics? Nostalgia is nice but I would rather have them done NEW. Why on earth would I want to play the old SwordQuest on a 2600 emulator when it was just a bunch of random configurations?
HA! I searched every comment for one game I recognized besides Zork, and I found that in the in-game easter egg in Black Ops. Gosh I'm young... 14 lol.
This is the single most useless "review" I've read since I stopped going to IGN. The author doesn't get these old classics at all. Morons like Mr Patrizio are the primary reason games industry is in such a poor state. Just one example from the article: so technical reasons were holding old Ultima's back - and what about when they didn't, as with Ultima 8 and 9? ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. With logic like that, you would certainly fit well in with EA or Activision, raping classics into unrecognizable mess.
So did everyone else use murphy's ghost to level your character in Wizardry. We would kill him hundreds of times before returning to level up. Once we found the blade of Cuisinart we could rip through Murphy. Awsome game. Armor of lords auto healed as you took a step so we would pass it between characters to heal them. Shuriken and such you could invoke the power turning your high level thief into a ninja (yes they could decapitate with their hands! lol )
Magic Candle anyone? Played it on my Apple //c and it would seem good for a modern makeover ^_^
What about:
Kings Quest,
Police Quest
Scorched Earth,
Battle Chess,
StarTrek 25th Anniversary,
Jet Fighter,
F14 - Fleet Defender Gold
+1 for Descent

Also, The Pawn had - by far - the best music of any game released to (that) date... It was also the first game I ever cracked :) Simple scan/password replacement, but hey, I did it before anyone else .... er, not that, er ... nevermind.
Autoduel was one of my favorites. What a cool concept of upgrading your car to fight other cars in the wasteland to deliver the goods so you could get further upgrades and so on?! This is one I would actually like to see taken further with a 1st-person view.

But Andy is right about the RPGs. Someone needs to release a good RPG where you control the party and not in some real-time or semi-real time fashion, but rather entirely turn-based like the Pool of Radiance or Wizardry series. I have to say Wizardry is what got me hooked on PC gaming. Pool of Radiance definitely improved on the genre.

I don't know why everyone praised Baldur's Gate. I couldn't stand the interface whatsoever. It ran all laggy. Maybe it was the 3d graphics that clinched it, but I think that series sucked.
Final Fantasy VII is newer than these games, but it deserves a remake!! The new generations (kids with 15 years or less) don't play FF7 because the most of them think it is "a old game", "with poor graphics" etc. So, this great game deserves a remake!
If you're a lover of the old style Eye of the Beholder/Wizardry/Bards Tale type game, then you might want to have a look at grimrock (http://www.grimrock.net/) just about to be released.
StarControl 2 - If the licencing worked out, and Paul and Reiche were in on it, then there would be no limit to how much money I'd throw at the screen. I would pawn my mother!
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