Wizardry I still play (dosbox for older - straight up for the 8), WingCommander (ditto). I can only imagine what they could do with a modern budget and dx11 graphics.
FreeSpace 3 must be done ... this is not a request ... it's a demand. Great game(s) / even better community.
MOO & MOM: Master of Orion and Master of Magic, I miss x4 strategy games. The ones out there are good but not quite the same.
Planescape ... may be a bit hard considering how silly Hasbro/Wizards/TSR/WhoCares has been.
Balls of Steel ... no the pinball game. Pinball fantasies etc was great as well. Am I the only person left who loves pinball games?
Flight Unlimited. Back in the day great graphics. With DX11 GPUs .. it could be just jaw-dropping.
Lastly .. HEY EA LISTEN UP YOU FOOLS ... NSF BRITAIN, ITALY, GERMANY & USA/MUSCLE UNLEASHED. No more drifting crap, no more arcade crap, no more pretty but crappy controls, no more DRM infections, no mmo gimmicks, no more EA only mod community ... I want a sequel to Porsche Unleashed and I want you to help the community to rebuild the brand you seem intent on killing.