2.0 or 2.1 Speakers



Hello everyone
I'm looking to buy a new pair of speakers which I can buy from my local electronics store.
I spent a few hours looking and these three caught my attention.
Two of them are 2.1 and one is 2.0 system.

Microlab FC-330
Microlab M-200 Platinum
Edifier Studio R1280T

They cost about the same, Edifier is 10€ more expensive.
So, I was wondering should I go with one of the 2.1 speakers or the 2.0 one.
I'd use them with my PC for Youtube videos, gaming and music. I don't plan to watch any movies on my computer.

With a 2.1 speaker set you actually get 3 speaker units, one of which is a sub-woofer for rich bass and you place it as near as possible mid-way between the two standard speakers. So 2.1 is the one you should go for because a 2.0 set will sound "tinny" with too much emphasis on treble.
er, that edifier is tuned to be flat, unless you're monitoring audio and wants it to be closer to the original sound (which you might not want when picking speakers for general purpose) youd better off with the 2.1 ones.
also most 2.0 speakers on that price range is lacking bass for gaming IMO.
With a 2.1 speaker set you actually get 3 speaker units, one of which is a sub-woofer for rich bass and you place it as near as possible mid-way between the two standard speakers. So 2.1 is the one you should go for because a 2.0 set will sound "tinny" with too much emphasis on treble.
Since they are at a local store why not listen to them. Bring some music files and maybe some recorded game sound to use as demo material.
The FC-330 will be better than the M200. Not as sexy looking or as easy to place but better sounding,
When a speaker is really tiny (like the M200) they really need a woofer to fill in upper and lower bass. If the speaker is a bit larger it can handle upper bass on it's own better so a sub isn't used to make it fuller it's used to extend the low bass. You could add a sub to the Edifiers later if you thought you needed more bass.
Studio monitors usually have a bit more high end than many people like for extended listening but it is a matter of taste.
Thanks for answering everyone.
I finally decided to go with 2.0 system because it would fit better on my desk and honestly look better as well.
Also, I don't listen loud "bassy" music that much, so I thought I would get better quality with two speakers rather than three.
However, I did raise my budget by 15€ and chose Edifier R1600TIII over the R1280T.
They were out of stock today but should arrive in few days time.
What do you think, are they a good pair of speakers and worth the extra money?

Thanks again.