So I've read through all the old posts and have phoned Dell twice and Future Shop. I want to run a 30" monitor at it's highest resolution of 2560x1600 off of my laptop. The 3008WFP model has HDMI input. HDMI 1.3 is capable of 2560x1600. My graphics card is an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650. It states on ATI's website it is compatible at that resolution. I see no reason why this won't work. Anybody have anything to add?
Sorry for the old topic but I really didn't find the answers I was looking for. Any success for anybody off their laptop at the max resolution with HDMI?
Any other thoughts greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the old topic but I really didn't find the answers I was looking for. Any success for anybody off their laptop at the max resolution with HDMI?
Any other thoughts greatly appreciated.