I have turtle beach x42 and Im using hdmi from my gtx 770 to my monitor and then the optical out comes from my monitor to my headset but its not working for 5.1.If hdmi outputs to 5.1 whats the problem ? If my tv doesnt output 5.1 whats the optical for ? Isnt that surround ? How can I get surround without buying a soundcard or reciever ? Isnt that the point of 5.1 through hdmi ? Should I be able to do that since hdmi supports 5.1 ? At this point I dont even see what the audio flash is for on the new led visualizer that nvidia added if I cant get the thing connected.I even tried Virtual cable and it says the device(realtek hd audio)doesnt support that setting(5.1) I configured the speakers in th realtek sound manager to 5.1 before I ran it through the vac.Sorry if I messsed up explaining this but its annoying and confusing the crap out of me.