70v volume problems


Aug 11, 2013
Good Morning,

I am in a jam and would appreciate any help.

I have a 70v speaker setup with a 70v amp. The system has been working for years but lately the retail store has had half the speakers play music at a very low volume.

- there is about 12 speakers and all are on the same trunk line.
- when i turn the volume up on the amp all the speakers raise their volume, however the speakers beginning closets to the amp are much louder.
- I tried connecting a new TOA amp but he problem remains
- I tried connecting another source but the problem remains.

I am going back tomorrow to further trouble shoot.

Any advice?

Thank you!
Could be losses due to bad speakers or step down transformers. Also check the wiring. A bad splice or wire break would still work with 70v but the excess resistance would drop all the speaker after the splice.