80% available, charging but disconnect ac and it switches off


May 7, 2010
Hi there I would love some input into my dads laptop btw I have 'good' knowledge on computer systems so don't worry about dimming it down the laptop is a Acer Aspire V5-552 this laptop is 3 years old and recently (2 weeks go) would only indicate a %80 charge it would say charging too but the moment the ac is disconnected from the laptop switches off acting as if there's no batter installed. The battery is a built in li-po with %75 health status obtained using a battery health monitor. System is running windows 10. From my understanding i think that it can read batt charge but has no access to the charge, faulty charging circuit maybe? Or has the battery died?

Any input into this would means a lot to me. Thanks for reading guys

Hmm, I'm guessing the same but as far as im concerned theres not much I can do apart from replacing the whole battery unit?