A laptop for college - gaming/general productivity


Oct 11, 2013
Hi all you nerds out there! I have a relatively simple question. What laptop should I buy for college? It has to meet a few criteria.

Portability - I need to be ale to carry it to my classes.

Power - Hopefully have an i5 or i7 with 8 gigs of ram min. Graphics card is optional.

Build/Usability - I am kinda OCD when it comes to devices. I need them to look good while getting the job done. Also I want a device that has a respectable keyboard and trackpad.

Budget - $1500

So, given those things I have a few options in mind already.

Number 1: Razer blade stealth + core

Number 2: Dell xps 13 (or 15 idk)

Those seem like the best ultrabooks out there these days. I would like your suggestions though. Nothing too flashy or "gaming" please! Thank you so much!
Razer blades are overpriced imho.
Go for this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834315130
Sports a top of the line mobile i7, 16GB of RAM, GTX 960m on board which should run E-sports titles at 60fps as well as some other moderate games, an SSD for the OS, and a 1TB HDD.
The best value laptop at the moment.
If you're okay with a thicker laptop, Gigabyte has a near identical laptop with the same specs and a free backpack for $60 cheaper. The 960m on this model has 2GB less VRAM, but you don't even see a difference in performance between 2 and 4GB with the DESKTOP version, so the mobile will be no different.
Edit: You would have paid twice as much for a...
Razer blades are overpriced imho.
Go for this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834315130
Sports a top of the line mobile i7, 16GB of RAM, GTX 960m on board which should run E-sports titles at 60fps as well as some other moderate games, an SSD for the OS, and a 1TB HDD.
The best value laptop at the moment.
If you're okay with a thicker laptop, Gigabyte has a near identical laptop with the same specs and a free backpack for $60 cheaper. The 960m on this model has 2GB less VRAM, but you don't even see a difference in performance between 2 and 4GB with the DESKTOP version, so the mobile will be no different.
Edit: You would have paid twice as much for a Razer Blade with these specs! ^.^