About laptop gpu

Jun 18, 2018
First sorry for bad english

1) Can i know why that laptop gpus dont support fast video rendering in video editing softwares????

I have a 6 years old my father's laptop.but when i try to edit a video on my video editer ; its fast video rendering option is blured away.(it has amd hd 7400 series 1gb) it taking so long freaking time to finish even a simple video without fast rendering support.

But when i tried on my sister's laptop.its the same.(it has 2gb of gtx 840m).brought almost one year ago

Im asking bcs when my final exam is over in next september , i want to start a u tube channel and want to play some lite games.bcs i have almost 8 months of free holiday time until university applicaton form coming.
( Gaming is not so important ).


i thought about desktop , but its not portable.again i want to know that only laptop gpus dont support fast rendering support bcs their weak performance


its only on my video eding software ???
(im using cyberlink powerdirector 16)

If all laptops gpus dont support fast rendering support ( not so expensive laptops with gtx 1060 or better) , then i will go with a desktop with better gpu like gtx 1050 ti

So any help or advice will be very help full.

thank you very much for ur time
You need to check with the program you are using and their support to see what is needed to enable the fast render option. You may need to update drivers for the system, or do something else. Check with the program help or support.