Access files from a non-operating Windows Vista laptop via Windows Phone 8?

Hassan Rashid

May 14, 2013
Whenever I login to my HP Windows Vista laptop and try to open something, it stops responding, stucks, and never continues to run again until next restart. I've a million important files and pics saved on the laptop, and I can't access them. I've a Windows Phone 8, so was wondering if it could somehow straight away upload those files to Skydrive?
Do you get any error messages? Have you tried a system restore (restores to a prior date when the computer was functioning properly) or a Windows Repair (using the Windows disc or System Repair disc)? Have you tried connecting your phone to the PC via a USB cable or Bluetooth to see if you can make a connection? If you can then you might be able to upload the files that way. If possible you could copy the files to a USB drive or external hard drive. When you are able to restore the computer and access the files you should back up those files immediately and backup on a regular basis.

Nope. No error messages. Tried the System Restore a dozen times. No luck. Tried Windows Repair. No luck. I mean I can't access the Windows files. When I try to do anything (e.g. open a file, press the start button...) it immediately stucks. I haven't tried to connect it with my Windows Phone 8 - obviously Bluetooth won't work as I would not be able to make the laptop grant permission to the phone to connect. I don't want to format Windows.

Someone gave me an idea of taking the hard drive out and using a USB caddy. I don't know much about it. Would it help?
That too would work, you can get USB drive enclosures from local electronic or computer stores or Newegg or Amazon. - lists several that are available. It is a relatively simple process. Find the HDD drive bay underneath the laptop, remove the cover (usually just a couple of screws), you may have to remove a couple of more screws to remove the drive if it is in a caddy, disconnect the drives SATA and power connection (usually one connection for both). Installing the drive into the drive enclosure is simple as well. This video - - will show you how. It shows and IDE drive but the directions are the same for a SATA drive. You can ignore the part about formatting the drive as it only applies to new drives.

Thanks I'll try that. 😀