My Acer M5-583p stopped working yesterday morning. The battery had died the night before so I plugged it in and no charging light came on.
Whenever I pressed the power button the orange battery light would flash five times but no fans would kick on or the screen.
I was finally able to to get the PC on after repedeatpy pressing the power button, my battery showed 3% charge but would show a x over the battery whever the AC was plugged in. The PC died shortly after but would not come on even with the AC plugged in.
I have already tried reseating the tan and making sure the AC jack was properly seated in its place on the laptop.
I just wanted to see if anyone had had a similar issue before with this model of PC, and what they did to fix it. I'm fairly certain that the issue is dead battery (since it's a 4 year old laptop). Is my prediction correct? What would you recommend for a replacement battery?
Whenever I pressed the power button the orange battery light would flash five times but no fans would kick on or the screen.
I was finally able to to get the PC on after repedeatpy pressing the power button, my battery showed 3% charge but would show a x over the battery whever the AC was plugged in. The PC died shortly after but would not come on even with the AC plugged in.
I have already tried reseating the tan and making sure the AC jack was properly seated in its place on the laptop.
I just wanted to see if anyone had had a similar issue before with this model of PC, and what they did to fix it. I'm fairly certain that the issue is dead battery (since it's a 4 year old laptop). Is my prediction correct? What would you recommend for a replacement battery?