Adding headphone jack to speaker system


Nov 18, 2013
I bought the Creative A250 speakers the other day because my old speakers died, but it turns out there is no headphone jack on the speakers. Is there any ways to add a headphone jack to the system?

I think there is something called a Y splitter that i can plug into the subwoofer and then I can add the speaker + my headphones but I'm not sure. I want to be able to plug in headphones and control the volume using the speakers volume control.

I can use my front port jack, but the sound isn't as loud as when I plugged it into my old speakers, because i could control the volume on the speakers directly.

Any help is much appreciated
Its very simple. When you bought the creative speaker, then template will be free with your speakers. In the template, all features have been given that how to connect speaker in any system.

what is template? my speakers didn't come with any software. I know how to connect the speakers, but there is no headphone jack to plug in my headphones on the speakers itself, i want to know how to add one.