Today, in the middle of the day, with no changes whatsoever on my part, outlook stopped displaying headers on messages. It didn't stop display the place headers go, they just are blank. A picture is worth 1,000 words.
As you can see, it WAS working, then suddenly, nothing.
I have 2 imap accounts I have set up in outlook. One from my ISP, and it works fine. The other from yahoo. Yes, yahoo imap that has worked for years, until today.
WTF is going on and most importantly, how do I fix it?
More info: I just checked on another computer set up with the imap accounts, and its doing the same thing, and not just with the 4 e-mails that I have listed above, but ALL the e-mails it downloaded (I don't use that computer often, so it had 10+ e-mails to download, and all were headerless)
As you can see, it WAS working, then suddenly, nothing.
I have 2 imap accounts I have set up in outlook. One from my ISP, and it works fine. The other from yahoo. Yes, yahoo imap that has worked for years, until today.
WTF is going on and most importantly, how do I fix it?
More info: I just checked on another computer set up with the imap accounts, and its doing the same thing, and not just with the 4 e-mails that I have listed above, but ALL the e-mails it downloaded (I don't use that computer often, so it had 10+ e-mails to download, and all were headerless)