Solved! Another Asus G73 Question: G73jhA1 for more practical computing purposes



I am a musician who relies heavily on a computer for my live music/djing. At the moment I am in need of a new computer, and since I am mobile, a laptop would suit me much better than a desktop, although a custum build I would much rather like to have, touring with one is not feasible.

While first considering a Macbook, I am in need of windows based software, and do not much wish to run bootcamp on a Macbook Pro when the Asus G73 presents considerable performance at a much less cost.

Basicaly, I would need a fairly high end processor and at least 4 Gb of RAM to suit my needs, and it seems to fit both budget and performance.

What I need to ask this community is whether this computer is solely useful for gaming purposes only, or if it is usable in more professional services.

I am aware of the reduced battery life, but are there any other "drawbacks" to gaming laptops as opposed to more common laptops?
the gaming laptop will be fine but because you-re a professional musician you should see if it comes with a dedicated sound card rather than a dedicated gfx card
I run a PRESonus Firerack to act as the soundcard and MIDI IO for all audio. I can get better quiality audiio and midi IO with less latency then woth running a soundcard (except for something like a Hammerfall or other card with ADAT in).

Basically, would this be a better choice than Macbook Pro? How well does Windows 7 allocate an i7 720qm at 1.6GHz quadcore/8gb RAM as opposed to Snowleopard OS running a Core duo at 2.6? with only 4 Gb of RAM? If any inquiries to the Software It is both Image-Line Deckadance and FL9XXL.