Another Audio Question (sonic studio and audio general)


Apr 27, 2017
Okay.. I've been googling around so long and I just cannot find definite answer I'm looking for.

Question is, should I be using any sort of xonar u7 mkII soundcard software effects. I want precise audio and not distorted.. thus the question.

Bass Boost. Well is obvious, I turn it only on when I want to listen to more bass.
Voice Clarity/Compressor. No idea if i should enable them at all and if should to what percentage.

Reverb.. again, no idea if should touch it all.

AND BIGGEST effect/question. For Speakers is "Upmix" ... I like it when watching anime/movies or something as it uses my whole 5.1 setup. Downside of it is it focuses to center channel a lot and my logitech x-501 speakers center channel does not exactly sound that good. Thus upmix downside is yeah, too much focus on center which feels as quality loss.

If toggle to headset I have "virtual surround" option.. which again no idea if should use.

For headset it's easier to decide. Just turn everything off pretty much.. virtual surround apparently is not good.

But with speakers upmix option I can't decide.

Dilemma of precision, quality and enjoyment.

So, I would like opinions
Always start without all the effects off.
Did you balance the speaker levels so that you are getting correct surround processing?
When the test signal is running each of the speakers should produce the same volume at your ears. You can use a phone app as a level meter to do this. This way all the speakers are reproducing what the sound engineer and director wanted you to hear. Subwoofer level you would set by preference rather than pink noise.
Dialogue is important, of course if you like you anime subtitled as I do it's less of a factor but on movies it should be prominent.
If you want better quality you are going to have to move away from PC oriented speakers. An AV receiver will process surround better than the card, will usually...
Always start without all the effects off.
Did you balance the speaker levels so that you are getting correct surround processing?
When the test signal is running each of the speakers should produce the same volume at your ears. You can use a phone app as a level meter to do this. This way all the speakers are reproducing what the sound engineer and director wanted you to hear. Subwoofer level you would set by preference rather than pink noise.
Dialogue is important, of course if you like you anime subtitled as I do it's less of a factor but on movies it should be prominent.
If you want better quality you are going to have to move away from PC oriented speakers. An AV receiver will process surround better than the card, will usually have better DACs, and let you use your choice of speakers.

Should ask " "

To get "intended" sound I understand that everything should be off.. but honestly turning some things on feels better. Been playing around with settings and still unable to decide.. whenever keep custom set-up.. or keep everything off.

Reverb is kinda okay on movies and so. But it quite changes how sound feels like. Compressor might be useful when watching movies at nighttime to keep audio balanced (as movies for some reason like making dialogue extremely quiet and everything else loud) bass boost, depends.

Upmix is useful to make use of all speakers.

Anyhow, know you mostly answered, but nevertheless what are your opinions.

And in a nutshell.. should I keep all off :/ ?