[citation][nom]hasten[/nom]The problem is that Toms is one of the few tech sites trying to push this stuff. favoring apple sems like the exact opposite a tech site would want to do...[/citation]No, a tech site shouldn't give a rat's butt who builds it. It's our job to decide what we want. Personally I can't stand Apple as a company, and on top of that most of their hardware isn't all that great, and it's quite overpriced with a few exceptions. However, if they went along with your suggestion, that would be injecting bias too.
Frankly, Tom's is usually pretty neutral when it comes to most hardware. Better than a lot of sites out there, even though nobody is perfect. There's a lot of buzz around the Nexus right now, it's only natural that all the issues being talked about end up here in some form. This is Google's own Nexus tablet, which everybody was talking about like the second coming. Frankly on paper it's a nice device, if a bit small for my taste.