app to open 3 gates


Dec 21, 2017
I have an existing installation of 3 gates and ip cameras on my property. Presently the gates only open by remotes and buttons. All the buttons are located in a security shack which has internet and wifi. To open the gates I would just need a normally open ip switch, I think. Does anyone have an idea how can can set this up with google home to open and close the gates with voice commands.

I see the garage door openers that work with google home but they are not exactly what i need. I would like equipment that can integrate with my existing setup. I need an app in which I can open and close the gates and see their status through the ip cameras.
You to replace those buttons, or hack the buttons so to some kind of relay module. Start by finding out if those buttons need a momentary press, and what the buttons do. For example, is it one-press and the open, another to stop, and another to close? By stating it has to be compatible with Google home if you can provide me a list or pointers of Google's compatible stuff I can try and suggest something.