Since November of last year since I down loaded the new Windows I have not been able to access my outlook for e-mail - ever since I downloaded that newest version of Windows I can no longer send or receive e-mails as I used to be able to do. Sending report error (0x800ccc1a) : ‘Your server does not support the connection encryption type you have specified. Try changing the encryption method. Contact your mail server administrator or internet service provider (ISP) for additional assistance. How do I correct this. I can receive e-mails from my Yahoo account but not my outlook account. I can get some e-mails from my G-mail account even though I really don't use that account but G-mail is the link I was told to use in case I get locked out of my Outlook account. Please I know someone has the knowability to help me. I don't have that gift of computer savvy like most of you on this Tom's guide has. I have had great success in the past from great assistance - I look forward to the same in this case.