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Roy wrote:
> "Ron Hunter" <> wrote in message
> news:gjdge.2593$rt1.2551@fe04.lga...
>>Roy wrote:
>>>"Allodoxaphobia" <> wrote in message
>>>>"Kodak Retains Lead Over Japanese Giants in U.S. Digital-Camera
>>>>Market, Research Firm Says"

>>>So What?
>>>Should I be very concerned, I have 2 Nikons and my wife has a Fuji.
>>>Will I be looked down upon because I do not own a Kodak
>>>Will my photos not be as good?
>>>Could it have something to do with the unreliability of Kodak Cameras?
>>>Or is it just that Joe Public is as stupid as the advertising indusdtry
>>>thinks he is.
>>>Roy G
>>Sure, Roy, your Nikon and Fuji will cease to function when their market
>>share drops below 5%... Grin.
>>And if Kodak cameras were that unreliable, don't you think sales would
>>drop, rather than rise? After all, what does Kodak know about making
>>cameras, they haven't been at it but a few years, right?
>>And, yes, Joe Public IS about as stupid as the advertising industry thinks
>>he is, otherwise all those companies like Canon and Sony would stop
>>advertising, right?
>>Ron Hunter
> Hi there
> That's right Kodak did stop making cameras for a very long time, and only
> restarted when APS was foisted upon Joe Public.
Oh? When did they not make cameras? I must have missed that.
> I am assuming that they do make them, and don't just have them made by
> someone else (in darkest China).
Mine says 'Made in China, designed in Japan, for Eastman Kodak, US.
It is rather difficult to find ANYTHING that isn't made in China these
days... Sigh.
The American worker has priced himself out of the labor market.
> Kodak have managed to retain a very good reputation among the Gen Public,
> but their cameras are no better than any others.
No argument there. They do tend to cater to the lower end (most
numerous) of the market, with a small number of products for the high end.
> The main point of my post was that Market Share should be of little interest
> to photographers, but of considerable importance to Employees and
> Shareholders.
Quite true.
> The bulk of their Camera sales are to the General public whose knowledge of
> Photography and Cameras is miniscule.
True again, as mentioned above. This is where the volume, and the
money, is.
> We, (being interested and interesting photographers) have almost nothing in
> common with the vast majority of Kodak Camera owners.
But don't discount ALL Kodak camera owners in that. Some of us are
interested, just not in the same way.
> So what is the point of all this crowing about the Big Yellow Box.
> Roy G
Well, journalists must find SOMETHING to write about when they aren't
bashing GWB... GRin.
Ron Hunter